速報APP / 藝術與設計 / New character graffiti design

New character graffiti design





版本需求:Android 2.3 以上版本



New character graffiti design(圖1)-速報App

Graffiti art does not only mean the art we see sprayed on the wall. In fact, graffiti art has such strong characteristics that it's easy to see them everywhere - in school, on sidewalks, on bikes, in cars, on skateboards and in textbooks, just to name a few examples.

New character graffiti design(圖2)-速報App

Graffiti art has a loose feel about it. There are no strict rules for creating graffiti art, except for several different characteristics that always make graffiti art look stylish. Let's see what characteristics are.

New character graffiti design(圖3)-速報App

there are many types of graffiti characters such as graffiti witch characters, graffiti cartoon characters, gas masks, graffiti characters, graffiti character gangsters, and many more.

New character graffiti design(圖4)-速報App